Heap Sort Simple Example in Java

Java Exercises: Heap sort Algorithm

Java Sorting Algorithm: Exercise-5 with Solution

Write a Java program to sort an array of given integers using Heap sort Algorithm.

In computer science, heapsort (invented by J. W. J. Williams in 1964) is a comparison-based sorting algorithm. Heapsort can be thought of as an improved selection sort: like that algorithm, it divides its input into a sorted and an unsorted region, and it interactively shrinks the unsorted region by extracting the largest element and moving that to the sorted region. The improvement consists of the use of a heap data structure rather than a linear-time search to find the maximum. Although somewhat slower in practice on most machines than a well-implemented quicksort, it has the advantage of a more favorable worst-case O(n log n) runtime. Heapsort is an in-place algorithm, but it is not a stable sort.

A run of the heapsort algorithm sorting an array of randomly permuted values. In the first stage of the algorithm the array elements are reordered to satisfy the heap property. Before the actual sorting takes place, the heap tree structure is shown briefly for illustration.

Heapsort sorting

Animation credits : RolandH


          // Ref.: https://bit.ly/2DBQsFI function heapSort(a, count) is    input: an unordered array a of length count      (first place a in max-heap order)    heapify(a, count)      end := count - 1    while end > 0 do       (swap the root(maximum value) of the heap with the        last element of the heap)       swap(a[end], a[0])       (decrement the size of the heap so that the previous        max value will stay in its proper place)       end := end - 1       (put the heap back in max-heap order)       siftDown(a, 0, end)                  
          function heapify(a,count) is    (start is assigned the index in a of the last parent node)    start := (count - 2) / 2        while start ≥ 0 do       (sift down the node at index start to the proper place        such that all nodes below the start index are in heap        order)       siftDown(a, start, count-1)       start := start - 1    (after sifting down the root all nodes/elements are in heap order)   function siftDown(a, start, end) is    (end represents the limit of how far down the heap to sift)    root := start     while root * 2 + 1 ≤ end do       (While the root has at least one child)       child := root * 2 + 1           (root*2+1 points to the left child)       (If the child has a sibling and the child's value is less than its sibling's...)       if child + 1 ≤ end and a[child] < a[child + 1] then          child := child + 1           (... then point to the right child instead)       if a[root] < a[child] then     (out of max-heap order)          swap(a[root], a[child])          root := child                (repeat to continue sifting down the child now)       else          return                  

Sample Solution:

Java Code:

          public class HeapSort { public static void heapSort(int[] a){ 	int count = a.length; 	//first place a in max-heap order 	heapify(a, count); 	int end = count - 1; 	while(end > 0){ 		//swap the root(maximum value) of the heap with the 		//last element of the heap 		int tmp = a[end]; 		a[end] = a[0]; 		a[0] = tmp; 		//put the heap back in max-heap order 		siftDown(a, 0, end - 1); 		//decrement the size of the heap so that the previous 		//max value will stay in its proper place 		end--; 	} } public static void heapify(int[] a, int count){ 	//start is assigned the index in a of the last parent node 	int start = (count - 2) / 2; //binary heap 	while(start >= 0){ 		//sift down the node at index start to the proper place 		//such that all nodes below the start index are in heap 		//order 		siftDown(a, start, count - 1); 		start--; 	} 	//after sifting down the root all nodes/elements are in heap order } public static void siftDown(int[] a, int start, int end){ 	//end represents the limit of how far down the heap to sift 	int root = start; 	while((root * 2 + 1) <= end){      //While the root has at least one child 		int child = root * 2 + 1;           //root*2+1 points to the left child 		//if the child has a sibling and the child's value is less than its sibling's... 		if(child + 1 <= end && a[child] < a[child + 1]) 			child = child + 1;           //... then point to the right child instead 		if(a[root] < a[child]){     //out of max-heap order 			int tmp = a[root]; 			a[root] = a[child]; 			a[child] = tmp; 			root = child;                //repeat to continue sifting down the child now 		}else 			return; 	} } // Driver program 	public static void main(String args[]) 	{ 		int arr[] = {7, -5, 3, 2, 1, 0, 45}; 		int n = arr.length; 		HeapSort ob = new HeapSort(); 		ob.heapSort(arr); 		System.out.println("Sorted array:"); 		 for (int element: arr) {             System.out.print(" "+element);         } 	} }                  

Sample Output:

Sorted array:  -5 0 1 2 3 7 45        


Sort an array of given integers using the Heap sort Algorithm

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Previous: Write a Java program to sort an array of given integers using Merge sort Algorithm.
Next: Write a Java program to sort an array of given integers using Selection Sort Algorithm.

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Source: https://www.w3resource.com/java-exercises/sorting/java-sorting-algorithm-exercise-5.php

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